June 1, 2023
Care & Carers

Complex Care: Meeting Unique Needs and Enhancing Lives

Complex Care: Meeting Unique Needs and Enhancing Lives

What is Complex Care?

Complex Care is a sort of health and care support that aids people with physical or mental health issues, learning difficulties, or chronic physical illnesses. Supporting people with long term conditions to control their symptoms and carry out everyday duties is crucial when it comes to complex care. This enables them to live independently and have a happy life at home and close to their loved ones. This can involve providing specialised care for people with neurological problems, spinal injuries, and feeding tubes. These situations may call for a multidisciplinary approach and the assistance of competent carers, nurses or physicians who are trained to treat the conditions of people with complex needs.


How can Care & Carers help you?

We take the time to train and invest in our carers, so they have the knowledge, encouragement, and confidence to deal with complicated care needs. This enables us to deliver the highest level of care. We recognise the value of having the competent carers available at the appropriate times to deliver the required services. Complex care packages enable individuals to live each day in a welcoming, dignified, and safe environment where their needs are met. 

Our staff has a strong history of success dealing with clients who have a wide range of needs, from dementia to end-of-life care. We set to create trusting relationships with our clients and their families because we believe trust will make it possible to create a long-lasting relationship and efficient environment where our trained carers will provide our clients the best way possible. 


Care & Carers can help people with Complex care needs in different ways so can live independently and safely including:

Live-in: For people who require care round-the-clock, live in is a terrific choice. A live-in carer will get to know the client's daily routine and habits so they can provide support as needed. Since we are aware that having a stranger in your home might be stressful, we will consult carefully with our clients and their families to choose the best carer. Our live-in carers can help with everything from medication to household chores to companionship and personal care. Because it allows people to remain in their homes in an autonomous manner while providing you with round-the-clock assistance anytime you need, live-in care is a better option than residential care.

Daily visits: Home care visits can maintain and improve life quality. Whether you require hourly care, assistance once per week, or assistance many times per day, a personalised plan will be developed in accordance with your requirements to ensure your safety, happiness, and independence. 

Respite Care: Respite care means taking a break from the care and ensure that you continue having the support that you need at home. Typically respite care covers family, carers or relatives that required some time away from their clients, whether to go on holidays or to have more time for your loved ones. We ensure you will have peace of mind with Care & Carers allowing your loved one to stay in the comfort of their home. 


How will we plan the care?

We understand every person is unique with different needs. We will visit you at your home to do a free assessment, so we get to know about you and your needs. This will give you and your family a chance to ask any questions that you may have about services too. Once you decided to use our service, we create you an account on our care management platform, Careberry, and give you access to it so you can help us create a comprehensive care plan for you. Our care plans are person-centered and tailored, which means that the care we provide will be designed according to individual needs and preferences. You and your family members would be able to communicate with us via Careberry, view your care plan, see your scheduled visits, and read notes written by our amazing carers. We will work with you and your family to ensure our service meets your needs and make a positive impact on your life. Clients and their families have a chance to review every visit enabling them to give us feedback, raise concerns and highlight anything that needs changing. 


What type of health conditions Care & Carers can support?

  • Acquired Brain and spinal cord injury.
  • Neurological conditions – including multiple sclerosis (MS), motor neuron disease (MND), Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and stroke
  • Catheter, bowel and stoma care
  • Tracheostomy care
  • Gastronomy care – including PEG feeding.

How to arrange a home visit?

To arrange a visit, you can give us a call on 01296 695372, you can also request for care and support through our website.