August 31, 2023
Emma Kennett

Emma : My 11 Year Journey in Social Care

Emma : My 11 Year Journey in Social Care

On the 16th of August this year I have achieved working in health and social care for 11 years, it’s been an experience like no other and I would not change a single thing about it. I have met so many wonderful people.

I have learnt so much in my time working with young children and older adults from all walks of life.

I have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience taking the time to listen, learn and engage with my peers or colleagues but most importantly my clients! I have listened to so many stories that will stay with me forever!

When I first joined health and social care, I wasn’t too sure what I was going to expect or what the expectations from me was, it’s a complete an eye opener from looking after your own family members to looking after people in the local communities in their own homes.

There is still to this day a lot of different speculation around care and what it really entails, and yet somehow carers don’t get the same recognition as other professionals, our profession is just as important as others and without us, families would be lost in the system!

it’s not just getting some one up washed and dressed, its understanding the needs of the individual and what will make a difference to their life to remain living independently at home. All it needs to be sometimes is a friendly face over that cup of coffee.

For me its knowing that I am relied on daily to ease families lives so they can focus on make precious memories rather than worrying about day-to-day tasks. It’s also a big responsibility to make sure that everything from Medication to Nutrition and hydration tasks are met to name a few!
Having compassion and empathy, patience and being caring.

It’s about being professional and building relationships with clients that make you feel a part of “The family”. 
It may even be that you’re the only people that client gets to see daily but it breaks the cycle of self-isolation, in most cases it’s through no choice of there own but due to a mental/medical condition.

No one is ever judgmental and as they say "never judge a book from its cover, make sure you always read the full story.

Its reassuring that the clients and their families we look after are so appreciative of everything we do for them daily it makes your heart sing knowing “I’ve made that difference today”. 
Thank you all for making that difference, to our clients………you are all the best