May 15, 2023
Sanam Sadeghi

First Aid Training at Care and Carers

First Aid Training at Care and Carers

In today's dynamic and fast-paced world, accidents and emergencies can happen anywhere. Recognizing the importance of equipping our caregivers with life-saving skills, our office recently organized an intensive first aid training program in 2 days for 2 different groups of our staff. The training aimed to empower our staff with the knowledge and confidence to respond effectively in emergency situations, both within the office and our client's homes. In this blog post, we will look in what we learned that could potentially save a person's life.


Training began with an overview of the principles of first aid and the importance of quick response in emergency situations. Our trainer told us about 2 very useful app, one named GoodSame which provides the ability for those calling emergency services to instantly share their location and live video from their mobile device also users can check for defibrillators locations around their area. Second app was What3Words, which you can find, share and save precise locations on the app. 


Topics covered on training included:


Primary Assessment

Staff learned the systematic approach to assessing the scene and identifying potential risks to themselves and others. They discovered the importance of personal safety and how to prioritize actions in emergencies.


Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

CPR is a vital life-saving technique used in cases of cardiac arrest. Staff members learned the correct procedures for performing CPR on adults, children, and infants, including chest compressions and rescue breaths.


Wound Care and Bleeding Control

Our Staff learned the principles of wound care, including proper cleaning, dressing techniques, and the application of direct pressure to control bleeding.


Medical Emergencies

The training covered common medical emergencies such as heart attacks, strokes and seizures. Participants gained knowledge on how to recognize the symptoms and respond promptly while waiting for professional medical assistance.


I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed training today, Natalie was such a great trainer, it was informative, fun and inspiring, and as always , lovely to catch up with some of the team , once again I came away feeling so proud to be part of Care and Carers, quite simply First Class!! 

- Ros (Carer)


This training had a great impact on our staff empowering them to be first responders in emergency situations. By acquiring these essential skills, our employees are better equipped to protect the health and safety of our clients.