June 17, 2022
Emma Kennett

How does an excellent care company perform: A carer's view

How does an excellent care company perform: A carer's view

Home care has been a passion of mine ever since I could remember, mainly because it reflected my own home life as I have a disabled brother with autism, so I decided to join health and social care and have been providing care as a home carer and community lead for nearly 10 years now in August. I joined Care & Carers in June 2021 and my experiences so far have shown me what an excellent care provider functions.  


So what does excellent home care provider mean to me, it means you feel safe and well protected by your carers in your own home where you can live safely and comfortably with the support of friends and family while staying as independent as possible, that you are respected by your carers regardless of your age, beliefs or disabilities.  


A good care provider enables carers to know about your health, likes and dislikes, hobbies, nutrition and hydration and personal care needs.  Moreover, a good care company has proper procedures in place to ensure carers that are recruited are caring, compassionate, and have empathy. Carers are being well lead within the management team and carers get continuous support and training.  


Carers are fully trained to administer medication and are time specific and you have every faith and trust in them to manage your daily needs.  


In my experience, a good care company ensures carers treat clients with dignity and respect and knowing boundaries. Carers being able to report and record daily visits including any incidents or accidents that may have occurred. Carers are well trained on equipment which are well maintained and serviced frequently.  It means you feel confident that your home and belongings are safe and secure at all times.  


It also means your carer has excellent communication skills which are essential for working in care. Communication can come in a variety of different forms, verbally and non-verbally. Having excellent eye contact and speaking clearly and calmly are effective. After all, no one person is the same and being person-centered is a must.  


Carers have a duty of care to clients, this means they look after their well-being, show good practice and are compliant around clients’ needs.  


Working within Domiciliary care is something a lot of people don’t fully understand how complex it can be! I personally adore what I have accomplished! Within my role as community lead at Care & Carers I know that any client I go to receives not only excellent care but we extend their family with our Care & Carers family.