December 17, 2021
Emily-Rose Trott

Life at Care & Carers

Life at Care & Carers

I joined Care & Carers back in late 2018, a young and eager individual who was keen to learn. I have worked in a variety of adult social care settings but never found my home. Supporting people is something that comes second nature to me, and most of us who work in care! Care & Carers at the time was a start-up with a handful of clients and carers. Me, as the newly appointed Care Coordinator, and our Registered Manager worked tirelessly to build clients and carers and bring pride to the Care & Carers name.

Soon after joining Care & Carers I could see how different their motives were, nothing was driven from a place of money. I felt part of something bigger and meaningful, a company with great values and love for all people, not just ones we care for but carers and staff too! Anyone who has ever worked as a home carer knows how lonely and challenging the job is! So, this really meant something to me. I quietly continued to work and support the company in anyway I could, even more so through the pandemic that hit us all in early 2020. Even in the worst days the team were so proud to be there and be with us.

Now as the Service Manager I have seen the company grow into a vibrant home care provider. Our team continues to grow despite the current climate showing how our strong our family is. These past 3 years have shot by, but I cannot wait for what the future may bring!