January 19, 2022
Laura Murphy

Rejoining Health & Social Care

Rejoining Health & Social Care

One year ago today, marked the date I re-joined the Adult Health and Social Care industry. I left the care industry after working as Health Care Assistant in the NHS to raise my family and fell into work within other industries as a result but, it never felt like home. I was nervous coming back into this sector after a long period of time away, but also found myself filled with excitement to be back in the community making a difference. I certainly picked a good time to re-join as it was the start of the global pandemic however, this did not deter me, if anything it was motivation! COVID-19 made me apprehensive as we knew so little at the time, but being supplied with PPE, Regular testing for myself and family and knowing regular risk assessments were being completed by management I felt safe.

After a short time as a home care assistant, I rediscovered my passion for care. Shortly after I was offered a promotion to become Recruitment and Training Officer within Care & Carers. It made me realise my potential and I took the opportunity! Fast forward a year later, I am working full time recruiting new staff and working to provide supportive training, workshops and so much more! Having experience in the job I’m recruiting for is second to none, it puts me ahead of the game as I know what to look for and how to find it. Care & Carers makes this even easier by offering amazing benefits such as takeaway evenings, Care of the Month and Year, Secret Santa, 1-1 training, group support and constantly taking and actioning feedback from all. 

2022 will be the year we continue to add staff and clients to our family and I am so grateful to be part of it! If you have ever thought about a career in care, now is time to join our growing family!