January 26, 2023
Care & Carers

NHS Topol Welcomes Our Managing Director

NHS Topol Welcomes Our Managing Director

Care & Carers is proud to announce that our Managing Director, Hossein, has been accepted into the NHS Topol Digital Fellowship. This fellowship program provides the opportunity for clinical or non-clinical staff working in, or delivering services to, the NHS or social care in England to design and deliver a digital project and initiative in their own organizations.

The fellowship is an exciting opportunity for Hossein to contribute towards the digital health transformations for NHS and care staff and patients. He will be working on an exciting project that aims to make digital solutions more accessible to older and disabled people.

We are thrilled that Hossein has been accepted into the NHS Topol Digital Fellowship. His passion for using technology to improve healthcare is evident and we are confident that he will make a significant impact on the digital revolution in the healthcare industry.

Care & Carers is committed to using technology to improve the lives of our customers and we are proud to have a leader like Hossein who is dedicated to this cause. We look forward to seeing the results of his work in the fellowship program